One of the best ways to teach, is to make learning easy and fun!
Children are developing at a rapid pace these days. They play, learn, experiment, and are also beginning to get a sense of their own identity from a very young age. Children learn through all of their senses and listening is one of the main ways in which children learn. Because it’s fun, children often become very absorbed in what they are doing. In turn, this helps them develop the ability to concentrate.
From birth, parents instinctively use music to calm and soothe children, to express their love and joy, and to engage and interact. Parents can build on these natural instincts by learning how music can impact child development, improve social skills, and benefit kids of all ages.
This is one of the reasons why I love creating Music Audio Stories! They combine aspects of learning with entertainment.
Apart from enjoying my stories together with your child, you'll find many benefits listening to my music audiobooks. They enhance mental well-being, build confidence, and develop imagination. They teach your child the importance of friendship, cooperation, tolerance, and team effort with everyone no matter how different they are. They inspire movement, problem-solving, build social skills, and promote concentration.
Your child will learn about animals and insects, colours, numbers, nature, magic, and more! Each story has excellent lessons that are taught in a fun and simple way.
Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness: intellectual, social and emotional, language, and overall literacy. Exposing children to music and storytelling during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. Music also helps to strengthen memory skills.
All of my products are designed to encourage playful learning with your children. Visit my Shop for a variety of stories and Storytime Packages or collect some freebies from me here Get Involved.
Anna Christina
Further Reading
Shop | The Benefits of Audiobooks | Homeschooling | Making learning easy and fun | Audiobooks Are Awesome!